Apps Classroom EdTech SERIES Techie on Budget

I’m Broke…Series ~ Part 2: Clickers

Ok, so this is my most talked about topic of the summer.  My sweet friend Cindy Wallace and I are constantly sharing resources and various cool finds.  One such resource is a fundamental component for this post! How would you like a resource you can use which requires paper printed and something you might be reading this post from right this second…yes, your smartphone!

Resource 1:  Plickersplicker_card

Plickers is a super easy FREE app that lets you collect real time formative assessment data without needing anything other than student printouts and one device such as your phone.  The two images to the right are two different student’s answer cards.  Within Plicker, you can create classes and assign each a number.

The top image is “Student 1” which can be different students depending on the class period.  The image also has an A, B, C, or D on each side.  The students hold it up according to the answer they wish to select.

Next you scan the room with your device such as your phone and receive an instant bar graph of overall results and individual names below color coded according to correct or incorrect.

How excited are you?  I am really excited about all the possibilities especially for those with very limited technology.  Just over the last few days I have told my niece, a couple awesome supervisors, and a colleague who immediately said she was passing the information on to the math teachers at a parish meeting the next day! That doesn’t count everyone throughout the summer that is or might know a teacher:)) I LOVE sharing!  (Thanks again, Cindy…Y’all really need to check out her blog:))

Resource 2:  Kahoot

Screenshot 2015-07-30 21.57.12I think the best thing I can say about Kahoot is that it is the number one student request and that was in my math classroom.  They each had whiteboards and then a variety of devices such as kindles, computers, etc.  The whiteboards wouldn’t be necessary an most classes, but for Algebra I they needed to work out many of the problems…yes, REAL work, and they requested it:)

You can create your own or search from thousands of pre-created Kahoots.  When you launch (see pic to left) students are instructed to go to and type in the game pin.  they join by putting in their nickname.

Once everyone has joined, you start and questions pop up with four color coded answers.  Students select the color which coordinates with their answer.  You can have questions timed and that really does help keep things moving.  Once everyone has answered or time is up, you instantly see a bar graph with results and correct answer.  Then you see the leader board.  Students are awarded points for correct answer and speed. Love, love love this resource:)

Resource 3:  Socrative

Socrative is another great option for those with BYOD options or with a few devices you can work in groups (same as above).  You have a variety of response structure:

  • Multiple Choice
  • True/False
  • Short Answer
  • Quick Quiz
  • Exit Ticket
  • Space Race

There are numerous options out there, so it was hard narrowing down to three.  What are your favorite formative assessment tools?

It's always nice to share:)

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