Classroom EdTech Techie Tuesday

Techie Tuesday: Interactive Halls and Walls

It’s that time of year!  Time for us to host our own teacher style HGTV show as we get our classroom ready for the 2015-2016 school year.  Several #periscopeteachers have talked about classroom reveals, and I can’t wait!  What ideas have you been dreaming up?

I love having students help decorate, so several areas are left for their work, data, and ideas.  Since I decided to jump in with both feet having a TpT store, I created numerous items for my classroom.  We are home of the Crimson Tide (no, NOT Alabama…our high school mascot:), so this year’s theme is nautical with the addition of blackboards and burlap.  But this year I have added a special twist ~ an interactive twist:)

I have some elements in the physical classroom space which are somewhat interactive.  You know the typical areas for students to post data, Q/A, exit tickets, and student work, but I want MORE.  More interactive.  More student created.  More technology.

How?  Well, let’s first take a look at the interactive and technology aspect.  I am incorporating items that we typically learn about and create during lessons, but this year our environment will have them integrated from week one and build upon throughout the year. What items?  QR Codes, AR, Mashups, and more (like Google Cardboard)

  • QR Codes – You walk up to a photograph hanging on the wall, and you notice a QR code attached.  Where will it take you?  The possibilities are endless from the photographer’s information and gallery to a photography technique demonstrated in the photograph.
  • AR – Augmented Reality will bring our walls alive from bulletin boards displaying 3d elements and videos to student selfies playing their favorite song.
  • Mashups – Mashups are particularly fun because you are incorporating more than one techie element such as creating a Thinglink using student created photo which links to other team videos and more.

Of course this is just a glimpse into our walls becoming alive with interactivity.  Student will create interactive components throughout the year and we all know how creative students can get!  I can’t wait to see what they come up with.  Who knows, the entire school might find itself turning interactive!

What ways can you think of to make the physical space of the classroom interactive?

It's always nice to share:)

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