Blogging Classroom Techie Tuesday Uncategorized

Techie Tuesday: 31 Day Challenge Days 6 – 11

Oh, the irony I found in day seven’s challenge.  Have you ever been lackadaisical about something only to have it bite you back?

While completing day seven’s challenge to plan the next week’s posting, I thought to myself, “This won’t take long ’cause I already have it figured out.”  Maybe I should have stopped right then and gotten started on actually writing because an entire week flew by while the plan remained just that a plan.

I really enjoyed the day 8 challenge to comment on a blog that I haven’t commented on before.  I visited everyones blog or emailed them.  I tried to do this again last week, but seem to have too much on my plate.  On a good note, I did get my daughter wedding invitations created and mailed on time:)

Declutter?  I can’t get my house decluttered much less my sidebar.  I did switch around a few things on my sidebar for day 10.  Honestly I need others to comment on likes and dislikes to know where to go from here.  I do have two category links, but wasn’t able to get one to delete.  Maybe someone reading will have a solution to this!

I LOVE Google statistics!!!  It is so great to be able to see where your visitors are arriving from and what they look at while visiting.  The students are amazed at all the locations that are popping up on our cluster maps!

As far as the actual statistics that I went through, my bounce rate was lower for twitter visitors and the about page statistics have gone up tremendously since the start of this challenge – thanks challenge participants;)

My favorite two challenges so far have been the about page and the google statistics.  What is your favorite challenge activity?

It's always nice to share:)


  1. So far, my favourite has been analysing other blogs in my niche and looking at what they do successfully. This has really helped clarify some thoughts about what I might do with regards to posting and also what I can't do! The ones I have looked at all blog daily. I can't do that. They also have regular weekly features. I can't have weekly features but can set up some regular type posts such as a video fo rthe literacy classroom which I could do a couple of times a month.

  2. " I do have two category links, but wasn’t able to get one to delete." Have a look now :) You had two category widgets in your sidebar – so just removed one for you – hope that was okay?

    Favorite task so far – I appear to be stuck on Day 3. But am really enjoying reading and commenting on everyone's reflections.

  3. Hey Sue –

    Love it!!! Thank you so much:)

    I have found my challenge activities slowed down by wanting to read everyone elses. Of course, that is one of the best parts:)


  4. Only one week?

    the Google Analytics really slowed me down. Have not posted for two weeks! How bad is that?

    Regards, Bill Oldham

    PS Also getting ready for the start of the new school year.

  5. Bill ,

    I was just thinking about you yesterday. I hadn't gotten any of your fun comments! Im glad Im not the only one:) I guess as long as we are going foward everything is good!


  6. I love that title for your post – Techie Tuesday! Very catchy! One other thing I like about your blog is the 'technology, like art…" quote.

    I agree about the Google Analytics – very cool. If I hadn't done this challenge I never even would have known there was such a thing! And I was thrilled today when I checked my Feedburner and I have one subscriber!! (It's silly how happy I was, but baby steps, right?)

    I'm now stuck on Day 14. I'm finding it tough to keep up with reading and commenting on everyone's blog, let alone find my 'competition'. The comforting thing is that many of us seem to be getting stuck at different points along the way. Doesn't that just show how different people are as learners? I often wonder how anyone can learn the same thing when you consider how many different teachers are teaching so many different students in so many different ways. It's pretty amazing when you think about it.

  7. Hey Errin –

    Thanks so much for the compliments!!! I'm also glad you are as excited as me about Google Analysis. I thought it was the my math geek coming out.

    I'm suppose to be writing a Techie Tuesday and Worldly Wednesday each week. I am so bogged down with grants that Im starting to see double:) lol

    I bet if we all had a couple of days off, we would get caught back up.

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