
Pictures Can Say a Thousand Words

The following post is by our student guest blogger, Anterrica M. 

Photography can be a very interesting thing!  Most people think photography is capturing things that are happening at the moment, something people do for a living, or even just picking up a camera and taking a picture of themselves.  This is all true, but photography can be way more than that.  Photography is a type of art.  Most people do not realize that photographs and paintings are very closely related, and pictures can say a thousand words.

Photography is more than just picking up a camera and aiming at something.  There are many techniques that come along with the art form of photography.  The “Rule of Thirds” is one technique where you imagine that the image is divided into a tic-tac-toe board.  This tic-tac-toe board consist of two horizontal lines, as well as two vertical.  These lines can be used when capturing a picture of a person.  You should line their eyes up on one of the horizontal lines.  If you are capturing some type of tall object, you should line it up on either of the vertical lines.

By the way, have you ever noticed that all of the parts in a picture go together? I thought this was a very cool concept.

It's always nice to share:)


  1. Anterrica, nice post on photography as art. I would guess most people would not think of pictures being art since cameras are so ubiquitous now. They would never think that they could be artists too!

    I am guessing from your post that you like to take pictures. Do you plan to be a professional photographer when you are older?

    Mr. C
    Noel Elementary

  2. Thank you! I love to take pictures, but unfortunately I do not plan to be a professional photographer when i am older. I consider taking pictures as more of a hobby. Thank you for reading also.

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