Blogging Uncategorized

More things to try…

Everything is still going great with creating the class blog.  This week I am going to see if adding a Google Calendar is as easy as it looks:)  Of course the hardest part probably wont be adding it, instead it will be testing it at school with our smartfilter.  I hope to rss feed the calendar on my class website and this blog.

And for some exciting news, I found a wiki that works even with our smartfilter!  It is called Seedwiki at  The graphics are even better than wikispaces, and so far no issues with smartfilter.  Of course need to give credit where credit is due, our librarian went to a BER workshop yesterday given by Pam Berger.  I still can’t believe that they had a web 2.0 workshop in our parish and I wasn’t on the front row.  The workshop was for our parishes high school librarians.  Here is the real kicker, it was held at our school!  Of course Im not a librarian, so I wasn’t invited.

It's always nice to share:)

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